Ezfolio Dashboard


Rebuilt Ezfolio's Dashbaord to showcase improved detail and visual aesthetic


Ezfolio came to us seeking a complete overhaul of their product to make it feel more professional, reputable, and reliable. While their platform had its own technical complexities, they wanted us to emphasize certain features with a much better user experience – particularly Dashboards, Onboarding, and Account Management.


We conducted extensive user testing and suggested a detailed roadmap and feature exploration ideas like quick actions, flexible price recordings, and customizable targets for portfolio management needs.


Initially, Ezfolio had separate views for Portfolio and Dashboard, which we discovered complemented each other. We decided to merge their functionalities into one powerful overview. Our goal was to build upon the strengths of the current design to support more natural and unified user interactions.

We identified many opportunities for improvements and additional features in the dashboard, including stock details, stock comparisons, and an overall increase in information delivery. The existing color-coding feature was well-received, so we retained it.

Adding holdings

Adding holdings is an important step that kicks off your use of the dashboard but is also a continuous process as you'll continue to import holdings activities from external systems. We wanted to provide different options to cater to your preferences, whether privacy-driven, convenience-driven, or based on your portfolio size.

Building an onboarding experience

One of the most important stages for us was to understand what questions to ask. We considered the user attributes and behaviors needed to create an onboarding experience that reflected the ease and productivity of the portfolio management process.

We created a lively and beautiful onboarding flow with succinct and clear language, a streamlined setup process, and interactive elements – all of which were highly appreciated during our user testing.

aritro. 2024-2077